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The Transition to the New Age
by Dane Rudhyar, 1969

First published under the title
Birth Patterns for
a New Humanity

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    Where Do We Stand Today?

    1. Three Centuries of Crisis
    2. Planetary Cycles
    3. Cycles of Relationship

    4. Stars, Constellations and Signs of the Zodiac
    5. From Buddha to Christ
    6. The Structure of the Piscean Age
    7. At the Gates of the New Age
    8. The Aquarius-Leo Age

    9. The Zodiacal Earth-Field
        Page 1
      Zodiacal Man and
       Geodetic Equivalents

        Page 2
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
      The Geomorphic Approach
        Page 6
        Page 7
        Page 8
        Page 9
      The Earth as
       an Organic Whole

        Page 10
        Page 11
        Page 12
  10. As We Face the Future


The Zodiacal Earth-Field - 7

"I can only briefly suggest here the possibilities of this new field of geomorphic study, but a typical instance can be pointed out which will lead us to the main point of this chapter. This instance is the remarkable morphologic similarity between Asia and Europe. Both Asia and Europe have three southward peninsulas. Indo-China, India and Arabia match respectively Greece, Italy and Spain. Ceylon is the structural equivalent of Sicily; Indonesia, of Crete and the Greek Archipelago down to Rhodes (which is, in a very general sense, a miniature Australia)."
      "If we look at the continental mainland, we find Tibet (and the adjacent mountain ranges of China) matching Switzerland and Bohemia. The Mongolian and Siberian plains correspond to Germany and Poland, China in the East is like European Russia; while in the West, central France stands for Persia, with Brittany, like Syria and Palestine — the Gironde and Dordogne valleys with their prehistoric cultures paralleling that of the Tigris and Euphrates."
      "Such correspondences might seem mere chance figurations were it not that there is a startling parallelism between the characteristics of the cultures which have developed in these corresponding geographical structures. Indo-China with her highly developed art and music, and Java with her rich culture, remind one forcibly of Greece and the earlier Cretan civilizations. India has been the center of religious doctrines for Asia, just as Italy has been for Europe. The ancient city of Nasik, sacred to Rama, stands (near Bombay) where Rome is in Italy; Benares, where Florence grew. Curiously enough the Arabs settled in Spain (Arabia's structural equivalent in Europe), and both Arabia and Spain are rugged lands, angular shaped, with fanatic, intense, proud populations. As significant are the historical-cultural correspondences between the nations which grew respectively in Persia and in France (Zoroastrian civilization matching the old Celtic culture), in Mongolia and in Germany (military and mystical peoples avid for space-conquest in an inorganic sense), in China and Russia (lands of the 'good earth' and of robust peasantry long controlled by a small aristocracy)."
      "The general picture presented by the relationship of Europe to Asia is that of miniature to full-sized original. Europe is not unlike the budding protuberance on a navel orange, which is a small replica of the orange itself. It appears thus as a specialized reproduction of the vast Motherland for a particular evolutionary purpose. In another sense, of real historical-cultural validity, we might say that Europe is to Asia as the conscious and intellectual part of man's total psyche is to the vast collective unconscious. The conscious is a differentiated organ of the unconscious, in the sense that the brain and the cerebrospinal nervous system constitute differentiated organs of the total human organism. Religion is the progeny of the collective unconscious (Asia); science, that of the rational conscious (Europe)."
      "In such a parallelism differences are as significant as similarities. We spoke of Italy and India, Switzerland and Tibet as occupying similar places in the two geomorphic structures. But we should notice at once the fact that the Alps describe a convex arc of mountains above the Northern Italian plains, while the Himalayas describe a concave arc over the plains of Northern India. If we consider the two mountainous masses of Switzerland and Tibet as the 'geo-spiritual' centers of their respective continents, we get the idea of the European center radiating outward, while the Asiatic center is focused inward; and we see how well this describes the difference between the European and Asiatic type of spirituality."
      "Another way of looking at the Eurasian land-mass is to see it as one shape extending from 10º longitude west (West Ireland) to 170º longitude west (Eastern tip of Siberia). Dividing into two this span of 20º degrees of longitude, we find longitude 90º east as the pivotal meridian; and it passes through Calcutta, Tibet, near Lhassa and near the highest mountain of the Gobi, just west of the Gobi Desert and the Mongolian People's Republic, through a most important part of Siberia (Sibirsk region) and along the great Yenisei river which may become a great trade-route in the future. Around the pivot of this 90º east meridian we might see soon the total population of the Eurasian world almost evenly divided; even now the combined population of India, Persia and the U. S. S. R. balance approximately that of China, Japan, Indo-China and Indonesia. And there is a general similarity of position between the Scandinavian peninsula and Kamchatka, the British Isles and Japan — the correlation between the last two island-groups being particularly significant in terms of world history and racial background."
      "The main point we wish to make here, however, is the polar relationship between, on one hand, the big land mass constituted by Europe, Asia and Africa (or 'Eurasiafrica') and on the other, the Americas. This relationship provides the logical foundation for the future global society. It establishes the great geomorphic dualism of human civilization. Just as the North and South Pole regions are complementary in that the former is an apparently empty circle of water, while the latter is a quasi-circular land-mass; so the two basic continental structures of the earth, America and Eurasiafrica, have shapes whose characteristics complement and polarize each other."
      "The Americas can be reduced in shape to two southward pointing triangles — a symbol of 'descent' of spirit and 'masculine' activity; while Eurasiafrica is a sprawling 'feminine' shape, with Europe as a highly differentiated miniature form of the great mother of races and religions, Asia. Some geologists have claimed that at one time the two continental masses were united, then broke away very slowly (over many tens of thousands of years) — the line of fission being now in the Atlantic ocean. The western contour of Europe-Africa and the eastern shores of the Americas suggest broadly such a possibility — if the western bulge of Africa is made to fit into the depression of the Gulf of Mexico and the southern coast of the United States."

By permission of Leyla Rudhyar Hill
Copyright © 1969 by Dane Rudhyar
and Copyright © 2001 by Leyla Rudhyar Hill
All Rights Reserved.

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