The Zodiacal Earth-Field - 12
PISCES ZONE: from 118º52' to 148º 52'. The coastal region of California north of Santa Barbara, including the quite magical coast of Big Sur and Carmel leading to the San Francisco Bay region, belongs to this zone. The sand dunes just south of Pismo have a very psychic character; and, according to a theosophical group, The Temple of the People, they were parts of ancient Lemuria, as was much of the California coast further north. Mount Shasta, famous in occult lore as the seat of an ancient Brotherhood, is found in that Pisces zone (about 122º longitude) — and so is Mount Hood near Portland. British Columbia and the eastern part of Alaska belongs to that zone also. Fairbanks, Alaska, is here the cusp city (147º43'). Earthquakes in that region and the next one (Aquarius zone) — nay indeed announce some important telluric upheavals. When I reached Southern California in 1920, the group with which I was associated had received prophecies of the rise of parts of the old Lemurian continent — the eastern shores of which were supposed to be the series of islands off the coast of Santa Barbara. Such a rise would obviously produce huge tidal waves spreading over the lowlands of Southern California — which may account for what Edgar Cayce announced. The theory of the slow, gradual shift of continents seems to me most logical and acceptable.
AQUARIUS ZONE: from 148º52' to 178º52' west longitude. The western part of Alaska, the Aleutian islands and our new State, Hawaii — also the French Tahiti — belong there. New lands may well emerge in this zone.
CAPRICORN ZONE: from 178º52' west longitude to 151º08' east longitude. This zone includes, in the north, the eastern part of Siberia and, in the south, that of Australia. Sidney is located at 151º10'; Brisbane at 153º02'. New Zealand is also part of that zone of longitude, and a number of islands.
SAGITTARIUS ZONE: from 151º08' to 121º08' east longitude. This encompasses the islands of Japan, Korea and Manchuria and part of Siberia in the north. New Guinea and the larger part of Australia in the south. Also the Philippines above the equator. The conquering and expansive spirit of the Japanese people, in war or in business, may be attuned to this Sagittarian Earth-vibration; and this region of Siberia may have an ever-growing importance.
Thus we return to the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp after having circumscribed the globe. In a certain sense, what we have done is to project the orbit of the Earth (ecliptic, or tropical zodiac) upon the globe of the Earth. We have projected the cosmic reality of our planet (its orbit being its place and function in the entire solar system) upon its biospheric reality. Our correlations had nothing to do with stars or constellations.
By permission of Leyla Rudhyar Hill
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