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Some Archived Articles
• The Planetary Alphabet - Read Your Celestial Name, by Dane Rudhyar. Everyone will enjoy this article presenting the astrological planets as the vowels and consonants of the celestial language of astrology. The article includes a brief sketch outlining the astrological significance of each planet.
ADDED 3 November 2004
• Astrology and the Kinsey Report, by Dane Rudhyar. See the new film and read this article on how changes in sexual attitudes corresponds with planetary cycles. No previous astrological knowledge required. From 1954.
• Sex and Countersex. In this fascinating article. which requires no prior knowledge of astrology, Rudhyar discusses astrology and human sexuality in a new way. From 1958. ADDED 1 November 2004.
• One Is Never Too Old To Begin Again In this prophetic and highly engaging article from 1967, Dane Rudhyar presents the 84-year cycle of Uranus as a significant symbol for the life-cycle of contemporary men and women. From 1967.
ADDED 1 November 2004
• The Natal Houses - What Do They Represent? In this article Rudhyar treats the circle of twelve houses as the space surrounding the new-born, and how, in astrology, the houses represent twelve basic areas of human experience. In it Rudhyar also touches on why he uses the Campanus system of house division. From 1949.
ADDED 28 October 2004
• . Your Lunation Birthday. This four-part article is a short, popular version of some of the material which appeared in Rudhyar's 1946 book The Moon and Its Cycles - which was a precursor of sorts to Rudhyar's seminal 1967 book The Lunation Cycle.
Your Lunation Birthday includes links to 41 online birth-charts which serve as examples of the 8 Lunation Types.
ADDED 26 October 2004.
• Uranus vs. Saturn - The Value of Inconsistency In this article, as significant today as when it first appeared in 1960, Rudhyar states that when a nation or, as today, the whole of humanity, has been shaken up by a crisis of extreme gravity, certain kinds of psychological reactions - symbolized by Uranus and Saturn - are almost inevitable. Read it and discover the Value of Inconsistency. ADDED 24 October 2004.
• Star Melodies. In this engaging article, which requires new prior knowledge of astrology, Dane Rudhyar - composer, philosopher and astrologer - uses the nativities of famous composers to present two fundamental approaches to music - Venusian Music and Neptunian Music. From 1957. ADDED 24 October 2004.
• Two Levels of Love. In this popular article Rudhyar show how love operates in two fundamental ways - one symbolized by Mars and Venus, the other by Uranus and Neptune. From 1963. ADDED 24 October 2004.
• The Planets and Their Symbols. This engaging five-part article shows how the astrological meaning of the planets can be seen in their symbols or glyphs. No prior astrological knowledge is required for this comprehensive and insightful work. From 1966.
ADDED 2 Feb 2004
• The Birth Chart as a Celestial Message. "Your birth chart is the message of the universe to you - a message in the celestial language of symbols. But it can be deciphered, decoded. Astrology provides you with the means." Rudhyar's Address to the 1976 AFA Convention.
ADDED 2 Feb 2004
• Clarifying Your Life Options with Astrology "The deepest reason for the recent spread of astrology is that at a time when so many options are possible, many people intuitively sense that astrology can help them clarify the nature of these options." From 1978.
ADDED 2 Feb 2004
• Official Birthday and Solar Return Time. This fascinating article gives Rudhyar's personal account of this 84th Solar Return and explores the dilemma of official birthday charts vs. solar return charts. From 1979.
ADDED 2 Feb 2004
• How You Can Create Your Own Security, by Dane Rudhyar. How the astrological planets Jupiter and Saturn symbolize the human search for security and individuality. This highly accessible and compelling four part article is loaded with psychological insights. From 1971. ADDED 11 Jan 2004
• The Spiritual Value of Astrology, by Dane Rudhyar. The whole universe is focused in every human being according to a time-space formula, or "seed pattern" - one's birth-chart. From 1970. ADDED 11 Jan 2004
• To What Extent Are Life-Events Predictable? by Dane Rudhyar. No prior astrological knowledge is required for this article addressing the fundamental and timely issue of astrology and prediction. From 1968.
ADDED 11 Jan 2004
• The Riddle of the USA Horoscope, by Dane Rudhyar. This article - which first appeared a few years before Rudhyar's The Astrology America's Destiny - neatly summarizes the main features of Rudhyar's time-proven 13 Sagittarius Rising United States birth-chart. From 1971.
ADDED 4 Jan 2004
• The Future of Astrology - Profession or Revelation? by Dane Rudhyar. What is astrology really for? Should astrological practice be officially recognized? And what about the downside of official acceptance and regulation? Learn what Rudhyar had to say about it when the issue of the "legalization" of astrology was a hot issue in the 1970s. From 1977.
ADDED 4 Jan 2004
• The Three Faces of Your Horoscope, by Dane Rudhyar. This accessible article discusses the place of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant in the birth-chart, along with explaining his use of the words "person" and "personality", closing with the key importance of the astrological houses and their role in person-centered astrology. From 1971.
ADDED 4 Jan 2004
• Must You Be the Victim of Your Stars? by Dane Rudhyar. No previous astrological knowledge is necessary for this highly accessible and engaging article on astrology and free-choice. This read is an easy and rewarding way to expose yourself to Rudhyar's astrological work. From 1967.
ADDED 4 Jan 2004
Online 2020 Astro-Calendar + Lunation Planning
2020 Khaldea Astrological Calendar. Now in it's 20th year, the free online Khaldea astrological calendar for Year 2020 is ready for your viewing in a total of 14 Time Zones worldwide. See it all at our new Calendar page.
View this month's calendar for the Eastern Time Zone, Central Time Zone, Mountain Time Zone,
Pacific Time Zone, Hawaii Time Zone,
Greenwich Mean Time, Western Europe Time,
Central Europe Time, Eastern Europe Time,
India Time Zone, Nepal Time Zone,
Japan Time Zone, East Australia Time Zone
and Brazil Time Zone.
If you find the Khaldea Calendar useful, please make a Freewill Donation to help make it possible.
Learn how to put the calendar to constructive use, read the eBook on Lunation Planning by Michael R. Meyer — a natural, organic time-management system based on the 29.5-day Lunation Cycle, the ever-changing cyclic relationship between the Sun and the Moon. Everyone, in their own way, naturally feels and performs better when they are attuned with its rhythm. When guided by this natural cycle, our projects and endeavors — be they long-term or short-term, acted out by an individual or by a group — are more successful and rewarding. Lunation Planning is the world's oldest time management tool. Lunation Planning is universal, it is deeply rooted in all cultures and religions. Now a Kindle eBook at Amazon.com for only $2.99 USD.
The Book that Changed Astrology!
A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer - The Complete Guide to Understanding Your Birth Chart by Michael R. Meyer, now in eBook edition for Kindle and Nook Readers, Apps and Devices for only $9.95 USD.
A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer is one of the most influential and widely read books on serious astrology published during the 20th century. A Handbook introduced astrology to a new generation of educated seekers turning to astrology not to know "what will happen and how it can be avoided if it's unpleasant" but to better understand their essential characteristics and to discover their innate potential and life purpose. Readers first exposed to serious, modern astrology through this volume figure largely among today's leading astrologers and astrological writers. Read more and purchase the eBook or paperback edition.
The Original MegaEphemeris!
The Orignal Online MegaEphemeris - Free Online.
We've unleashed the ultra-accurate, high-precision KhaldeaEphemerisTM in a 3,000 Year Online edition. See this month's Ephemeris and start using the fastest, easiest-to-use and most beautiful online ephemeris available today!
The KhaldeaEphemerisTM is supported by comprehensive online help, which explains why it is so fast and easy-to-use, how it was made and what the colors, symbols and glyphs designate.
The 3,000 Year KhaldeaEphemerisTM is designed and developed by Michael R. Meyer and available free online only at CyberWorld Khaldea.
KhaldeaTechnology Unleashed!

Huge Online Chart Gallery!
Our online collection of Khaldea2001+TM astrological charts includes 1,000 Truly Interesting People . . . and some nations as well. The Online Chart Gallery features superb graphics, like the accompanying image. The gallery is supported by online comprehensive help, which explains the components of the chart graphic, and it even clues you in on how to decipher all the symbols, colors and gylphs. The Khaldean is pleased to make this powerful tool for learning astrology freely available to visitors at CyberWorld Khaldea.
Free Online Books by Marc Edmund Jones

A intelligent beginner's manual, HOW TO LEARN ASTROLOGY by Marc Edmund Jones provides a comprehensive explanation of interpretive techniques in Sabian Astrology™, which can also have value for humanistic astrologers. Included are concise descriptions of chart calculation together with its astronomical basis, as well as a compact and useful glossary of terms. Read it at SabianAssembly.com
About the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction

The JUPITER-NEPTUNE CYCLEby Dane Rudhyar. Here's one of Rudhyar's most important articles for today's readers. It explains the 166-year cycle of Jupiter and Neptune in a manner especially meaningful for the world situation of 2009-2011. Importantly, it shows how the current Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions in Aquarius correspond with the previous conjunctions of 1843 — a period in time strikingly similar to our own. Read this important article now . . .
Learn What Humanistic Astrology is Really About!
The Inner Crises Challenging Astrology Today by Michael R. Meyer. This highly accessible booklet is the most comprehensive and complete statement of the key principles and chief concerns of humanistic astrology. Includes the only published interview with the author. First published: 1996.
Read this important booklet now . . .
Rudhyar Online!
CyberWorld Khaldea Presents the Rudhyar Archival Project
Dane Rudhyar, 1895-1985, Seed Man of the 20th Century, the most important astrologer of the 20th Century, left a significant and substantial legacy of music, art, literature and philosophy.
The best and most important of Dane Rudhyar's lifelong work is being made freely available worldwide through the online Rudhyar Archival Project.
The Archive is already packed with online books and articles. Be sure to visit the Online Rudhyar Art Gallery and read an Illustrated Biography of Dane Rudhyar.
Current Favorites at CyberWorld Khaldea
The EON: The 36 Cyclic Aspects Symbolically Depicted by Michael R. Meyer. Learn about waxing and waning phase and find out about those unfamiliar aspects - like the deciles, noviles, septiles, and quintiles! Start with the introduction of this unique series, then read the symbolic depiction of each of the 36 cyclic aspects.
NOW FREE ONLINE! Astrological Timing - The Transition to the New Age
by Dane Rudhyar. Here's the most comprehensive book ever on the coming Aquarian Age and the timing of its commencement. Astrological Timing additionally presents an indepth look at the long cycles of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto through the ages and how they tie in with historical developments and human evolution.
To top it off, in Astrological Timing Rudhyar explores the subject of geodetic equivalents - how the zodiac corresponds with earth zones. Learn why Lhasa, Tibet is the most Scorpionic place on earth . . . and more! This long-unavailable volume is as timely and significant today as when it first appeared in 1969. You won't want to miss this important and provocative book.
Venus Morning Star, Venus Evening Star - Your Emotional Type, by Michael R. Meyer. This accessible series features an exposition of the pentagramic cycle of Venus, the four fundamental Venus types and their sub-types, and to top it off, it is illustrated with 54 sample horoscopes linked in and just a mouse click away! If you liked The Four Faces of Mercury and Your Guiding Planet, you won't want to miss this one!
The Four Faces of Mercury - Discover Your Mental Type, by Michael R. Meyer. Everyone will want to read this comprehensive statement on Mercury Types and Mental Temperament. It features more than 25 example charts linked in and only a click away! Click on and read the Introduction, then learn about the Four Mercury Types.
The Prophetic Sabian Symbols by Gavin Kent McClung. Don't miss this notable two-part article on the Sabian Symbols by Gavin Kent McClung, friend and personal student of the late Marc Edmund Jones. Part One - Speaking of the Eon - discusses the discovery of the Symbols in 1925 by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler. Part Two - Listening to the Eon Speak - demonstrates the use of the Symbols, with the birth chart of J. Krishnamurti as an example.
Your Guiding Planet - Discover Your Innate Skills and Inner Faculties, by Michael R. Meyer.
Humanistic astrology focuses on the core principles of astrology, giving you the power to discover a great deal about an astrological chart at a glance, without getting bogged down and sidetracked by a lot of unnecessary data of dubious validity. Your Guiding Planet explores the Planet of Oriental Appearance - the planet rising immediately before the Sun in the eastern sky - and how it symbolizes your special skills and inner guiding voice. This feature spans eleven web pages and has 60 example birth-charts linked in and only a click away!
The Planets - Celestial Organs and Their Functions by Michael R. Meyer. Novices and experienced astrologers alike will want to click on this series. It features great graphics, with references and lots of example charts linked in and only a click away! Read all about the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
khaldea TM, KHALDEA 2001+ TM, Khaldea EphemerisTM, Khaldea AspectarianTM, Khaldea CalendarTM, and Companion AstrologerTM are trademarks of Michael R. Meyer.
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