Part Three:
The Creative Release of Spirit - 4
There are, however, other kinds of astrological cycles which can reveal to us the existence of similar moments of release of Spirit; cycles produced by the periodical motions of two celestial bodies in reference to the experiencer on this Earth. Of these cycles, the lunation cycle is the foremost. It is the cycle which refers to the regular sequence of New Moons and Full Moons. In this cycle, two factors — Sun and Moon — are also seen in their ever-changing periodical interplay, and four basic moments stand out as climactic points of the cycle. These manifest as the four phases of the Moon.
In the case of such cycles, what is measured is the degree of relatedness of the two moving bodies. This relatedness, in reference to the observer on Earth, has a maximum value at the New Moon and the Full Moon; a minimum value at the First and Last Quarters. Briefly said, New Moon (the point of conjunction) corresponds to the Spring equinox; Full Moon (the point of opposition), to the fall equinox — this, because the equinoxes are also the moments of the year cycle when the Day-force and the Night-force are most closely associated in man's experience. The New Moon is thus a point at which creative Spirit is released as instinct or form-building energy. At the Full Moon, man can reach a maximum of awareness of the meaning of life-experiences. It is thus the time consecrated to the meditating Buddha.
Whenever the motions of two planets are considered in relation to an observer on the Earth a cycle similar to the lunation cycle can be defined. The four climactic or "crucial" moments of the cycle are the times of conjunction, of opposition and of square aspects. Here again conjunction is the Root-point at which the new cyclic impulse is released; and opposition, the Seed-point at which the meaning of the cyclic relationship can be reached by the consciousness actively prepared to receive the illumination of the Spirit.
Such cycles of planetary relationship are particularly significant when the two planets thus associated are "polar opposites." Pairs of planetary opposites are: Mars (positive) and Venus (negative) — Jupiter and Mercury — Saturn and the Moon — and, in a sense at least, Uranus and the Sun. Thus, whenever Mars and Venus are in opposition in the sky, men should seek to fathom the meaning of their emotional, personal nature. When the Moon opposes Saturn, every month, the moment is propitious for an effort in consciousness aiming at liberation from the Karma (causal sequence) of past events. At the times of conjunction the entire organism should be aligned to receive the new impulse to activity. Thus a conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury is of great moment in establishing a new foundation for mental activity.
These cycles have effect in the lives of all men. Beside them, personal cycles may be analyzed which deal with the "progressed positions" of the planets in an individual chart. The same meaning applies to such cycles, but in a strictly personal manner. For instance, the oppositions of the progressed Moon to progressed (or radical) Saturn are very significant indications of times in the life of an individual when he can step out of the "circle of necessity." In a less definite manner the cycles of any two planets can also be considered; for wherever there is periodical oscillation and rhythm, wherever the pulse of life is felt, within the compass of such cyclic alternation of positive and negative emphases there are moments in which an unstable equilibrium between positive and negative is reached. These are the moments of release for That which transcends the everlasting interplay of opposites, the realm of time and change.
Such a transcendence, however, is not absolute. We do not postulate here a realm of timeless Spirit absolutely distinct from that of cyclic change. Spirit is transcendent only in the sense that the quality of wholeness is transcendent to the nature of the parts of the whole. Wherever there is cyclic change, only parts change. The wholeness of the whole is constant — in what we might call another dimension of being. It is only in the realm of parts that the cyclic interplay of "individual" and "collective" occurs.
By permission of Leyla Rudhyar Hill
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