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Image copyright 2003 by Michael R. Meyer. Drawing by Dane Rudhyar

An outline and an evocation
by Leyla Raël


APPENDIX I: Selected Poems
APPENDIX II: Bibliography


Published volumes by Dane Rudhyar

1. Claude Debussy et son oevre (Durand et Cie., Paris, 1913)

2. Rhapsodies (Impremerie Beauregard, Ottawa, 1919)

3. The Rebirth of Hindu Music (The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, 1928; Samuel Weiser, New York, 1979)

4. Toward Man (Seven Arts, Carmel, 1938)

5. Art as Release of Power (Hamsa Publications, Carmel, 1930)

6. Astrology of Personality (Lucis Publishing Co., New York, 1936; David McKay, Philadelphia, 1946; Servire B.V., The Netherlands, 1963; Doubleday, New York, 1970; Aurora Press, New York, 1991)

7. New Mansions for New Men (Lucis Publishing Co., New York, 1938; David McKay, Philadelphia, 1946; Servire B.V., The Netherlands, 1971; Hunter House, Pomona, 1978)

8. White Thunder (Hazel Dreiss Editions, Santa Fe, 1938; Seed Center, Palo Alto, 1976)

9. The Faith that Gives Meaning to Victory (Foundation for Human Integration, Reseda, 1942)

10. The Pulse of Life (David McKay, Philadelphia, 1943; Servire B.V., The Netherlands, 1963; Shambhala Publications, Berkeley, 1970; retitled Astrological Signs: The Pulse of Life, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, 1978)

11. Seeds of Plenitude (Rydal Press, Santa Fe, 1943)

12. The Moon: The Cycles and Fortunes of Life (David McKay, Philadelphia, 1946; later revised and retitled The Lunation Cycle)

13. Modern Man's Conflicts (Philosophical Library, New York, 1948)

14. Gifts of the Spirit (New Age Publishing Co., Los Angeles, 1956; later revised and incorporated into Triptych)

15. Fire Out of the Stone (Servire B.V., The Netherlands, 1963)

16. Rhythm of Human Fulfillment (Seed Ideas Publications, San Jacinto, 1966; Seed Center, Palo Alto, 1973)

17. An Astrological Study of Psychological Complexes (self-published, San Jacinto, 1966; Servire B.V., The Netherlands, 1973; Shambhala Publications, Berkeley, 1976)

18. Of Vibrancy and Peace (Servire B.V., The Netherlands, 1967)

19. The Lunation Cycle (Shambhala Publications, Berkeley, 1971; Aurora Press, New York, 1983)

20. Triptych: Gifts of the Spirit-The Way Through-The Illumined Road (Servire B.V., The Netherlands, 1968; retitled An Astrological Triptych, ASI Publishers, New York, 1971; Aurora Press, New York, 1983)

21. Practice of Astrology (Servire B.V., The Netherlands, 1968; Penguin Books, New York, 1971; Shambhala Publications, Berkeley, 1978. Now online at the Rudhyar Archival Project)

22. Birth Patterns for a New Humanity (Servire B.V., The Netherlands, 1969; retitled Astrological Timing: The Transition to the New Age, Harper, New York, 1972)

23. Planetarization of Consciousness (Servire B.V., The Netherlands, 1970; Harper, New York, 1972; ASI Publishers, New York, 1977; Aurora Press, New York, 1983)

24. Person-Centered Astrology (Originally published as six booklets entitled "Humanistic Astrology Series," CSA Press, Lakemont, 1970-71; first volume edition CSA, 1972; ASI Publishers, new York, 1980; Aurora Press, New York, 1983)

25. Directives for New Life (Seed Publications, Railroad Flat, 1971)

26. Astrological Themes for Meditation (CSA Press, Lakemont, 1972; later incorporated into Astrological Insights into the Spiritual Life)

27. My Stand on Astrology (Seed Center, Palo Alto, 1972; later incorporated into From Humanistic to Transpersonal Astrology)

28. The Astrological Houses (Doubleday, New York, 1972)

29. Rania (Unity Press, Santa Cruz, 1973; Avon, New York, 1975)

30. An Attempt at Formulating Minimal Requirements for the Practice of Natal Astrology (Portland Astrology Center, Portland, 1973. Now online at the Rudhyar Archival Project)

31. A Seed (Seed Publications, Railroad Flat, 1973)

32. Return from No-Return (Seed Center, Palo Alto, 1973)

33. An Astrological Mandala (Random House, New York, 1973)

34. We Can Begin Again-Together (Omen Communications, Tucson, 1974)

35. The Astrology of America's Destiny (Random House, New York, 1974. Now online at the Rudhyar Archival Project)

36. The Astrological Approach to Inner Fulfillment (Inner Forum, Boise,. 1974)

37. Occult Preparations for a New Age (Quest Books, Wheaton, 1975)

38. From Humanistic to Transpersonal Astrology (Seed Center, Palo Alto, 1975. Now online at the Rudhyar Archival Project.)

39. The Sun is Also a Star (Dutton, New York, 1975; retitled The Galactic Dimension of Astrology, ASI Publishers, 1980; Aurora Press, New York, 1983)

40. Astrology and the Modern Psyche (CRCS Puboications, Reno, 1976)

41. Zodiacal Signatures (Stellar Energy Exchange, Guerneville, 1976; later incorporated into Astrological Insiobts into the Spiritual Life)

42. Ariete (Armenia Editore, Milano, 1977)

43. Culture, Crisis and Creativity (Quest Books, Wheaton, 1977)

44. Paths to the Fire (Hermes Press, Ferndale, 1978)

45. Beyond Individualism: The Psychology of Transformation (Quest Books, Wheaton, 1979)

46. Astrological Insights into the Spiritual Life (ASI Publishers, New York, 1979; Aurora Press, New York, 1983)

47. Astrology of Transformation (Quest Books, Wheaton, 1980)

48. Astrological Aspects, with Leyla Raël (ASI Publishers, New York, 1979; Aurora Press, New York, 1983)

49. Rudhyar: Person and Destiny (written 1981, as yet unpublished)

50. The Magic of Tone and the Art of Music (Shambhala Publications, Boulder, 1982)

51. Beyond Personhood (RITA, Palo Alto, 1983)

52. Rhythm of Wholeness (Quest Books, Wheaton, 1983)

53 . Individual Selfhood (RITA, Palo Alto, 1983)

54. The Fullness of Human Experience (Quest Books, Wheaton, 1986)

By permission of Leyla Rudhyar Hill
Copyright © 1983 by Leyla Raël
All Rights Reserved.

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