At the Gates of the New Age - 2
The nineteenth century saw the revelation of the Brahma power; which in Christian esotericism would be called the Father-aspect. Ancient occultism speaks always of the Hidden Father. But this hidden or occult character may be only relative. I spoke in the preceding chapter of the possibility that the Essene "Teacher of Righteousness" did represent the Father-aspect of the creative release which was at the source of the Piscean Age. If so, this personage was relatively hidden within a special group of devotees. This Father-aspect (or its "veiling" under a human Neptunian form) could well have been in our present transition (or seed) period which will lead to the actual and concrete establishment of the Aquarian Age, the great Persian prophet, Baha'u'llah. He was seen and described in his full, majestic stature only by one Western traveler, Professor Edward G. Browne of the University of Cambridge. Professor Browne was able to have audience with Baha'u'llah at Bahji (near Haifa) in 1890, two years before the Prophet's death, and he recorded his impressions as follows:
My conductor paused for a moment while I removed my shoes. Then, with a quick movement of the hand he withdrew, and, as I passed, replaced the curtain; and I found myself in a large apartment, along the upper end of which ran a low divan, while on the side opposite to the door were placed two or three chairs. Though I dimly suspected whither I was going, and whom I was to behold (for no distinct intimation had been given to me), a second or two elapsed ere, with a throb of wonder and awe, I became definitely conscious that the room was not untenanted. In the corner where the divan met the wall sat a wondrous and venerable figure, crowned with a felt head-dress of the kind called taj by dervishes (but of unusual height and make), round the base of which was wound a small white turban. The face of him on whom I gazed I can never forget, though I cannot describe it. Those piercing eyes seemed to read one's very soul; power and authority sat on that ample brow; while the deep lines on the forehead and face implied an age which the jet-black hair and beard flowing down in indistinguishable luxuriance almost to the waist seemed to belie. No need to ask in whose presence I stood, as I bowed myself before One who is the object of a devotion and love which kings might envy and emperors sigh for in vain!(cf. Baha'u'llah and the New Era, p. 49, by R. Esslemont).
The twentieth century should now witness the manifestation during this transition period of the Son-aspect of the divine creative Power, the Vishnu aspect. This aspect refers to Consciousness — that is, to the awareness (becoming increasingly spread out among men) of what is at stake, what is being built in the concrete minds of especially open and responsive individuals, here and there, everywhere. Our century is the century of "seed men." The Son is the central Seed-Image. It is the Christos, the God-Seed,
potential in every man, actually germinating and growing into plant and flowers in but a relatively few individuals. At the atomic and biological level it is the nucleus. At the psychological level it is the integral person, as an organized "field" through which divine power can become focused and is able to concretely act, or
Why then do we see astrologically this twentieth century of ours symbolized by the awesome countenance of Pluto, ruler of the depths of existence? Because the unconscious depths of human existence must be aroused and purged, the ghosts of the past must be faced and dissolved by the "sword of severance" (which Jesus brought to collective mankind) before the new seeds can begin to germinate — perhaps under the symbolism of a trans-Plutonian planet which I long ago named Proserpine.
The zodiacal sign Pisces has a passive, receptive, "psychic" aspect; but it is also the sign in which the sword of severance can be handled to cut through the phantasms of accumulated and festering subconscious and karmic memories (or "engrams"). In the sign Pisces, many generals and admirals have been born, including Washington. As the last sign of the zodiac, it represents both the karmic pressure of the past, and the great effort of repudiation and purgation needed to overcome this past. It is the symbol of collective crises, of group-catharsis. And when Pluto focuses its ruthless energy upon such crises, these indeed become awesome in their relentless and total character.
By permission of Leyla Rudhyar Hill
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and Copyright © 2001 by Leyla Rudhyar Hill
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