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New Dynamics in Astrology

by Dane Rudhyar

Table of Contents

2. Twelve Phase of Human Experience
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3. The Creative Release of Spirit

Part Two:
Twelve Phases of Human Experience

GEMINI - Page 2 of 3

At more complex levels of mental development we find the Gemini force manifesting as a craving for classification, for ordered enumeration, for logic; that is for structural patterns of association. The individual filled with the energy of the Day-force tends to be overwhelmed by the complexity of his personal experience. There is so much that is felt, touched, dimly sensed. The world is so full of flowers, the nights so sparkling, the fire of self flames forth in such intricate designs of living that some definite order must be evolved at any cost if the budding personality is not to be shattered by the very vividness of this "extension of being."
      Thus Gemini must classify, must force into set categories the multiplicity of the things sensed, must produce words to help memorize the fragrance of fleeting experiences, must impose logical moulds upon the elusiveness of human contacts. It needs to find guiding lines of reference, a framework for its activities. Conveniently it discovers polar opposites, good and evil, right and wrong as compass-points by which to steer its course. It symbolizes personal feelings into cosmic entities. Exteriorize it must. And behold! the world is being peopled with gods and elementals, with demons and "Masters." Words they are; projections of experiences duly classified and to which names have been given — names which serve as screens to guard the immature personality from the shock of unexpected experiences and metamorphoses; names which are useful means to make one feel securely on familiar ground; props for the living.
      This search for personal, intellectual security in the midst of ever-changing flow of experiences gave birth to Greek logic, to the syllogism, to classical European science as conceived by a Descartes. As man began to develop more autonomous and less instinctual forms of thinking, he found himself in an unfamiliar realm of psychological complexities and of mental transformations swift as lightning. Who could hold the evanescent thoughts? Who was not afraid of the strange pranks of the mind, of that mind whose dangerous uncertainties made it be called "the slayer of the Real"?
      Logic was built — as "good and evil" were built — to give men more security in the midst of the bewildering flow of experiences summoned by the Day-force and its ever-shifting eagerness for new things, new sensations, new feelings, new thrills, new dreams. They were built, first, for the individuals who pioneered into the newly opened realms of personal psychological experience; realms soon to be filled with safeguards and tabus for the unwary or for the weak. Gods and syllogisms, Masters and algebras have been and still are necessary protections for men who are so insecure in their own individual identity, so close to the racial-biological womb of collective instincts, so easily swayed by the fumes of blood that the danger of "breakdown of personality" is always lurking in the shadowy darkness of the psyche.
      Particular systems and set techniques originate in such a need which gave birth as well to all mythologies. The birth of full and free individual Personality is such a momentous happening in the evolutionary process of the universe that every phase of it must be prepared carefully. Words are safety devices; they reduce the unfamiliar to collective normality. Ethical systems and logic set limits beyond which catastrophe to the too daring person looms as a constant menace. All such structures are only fully developed as social factors during the Sagittarius phase of the cycle, but in Gemini the individual must originally create them. He creates them out of his vital personal need, with all the vividness of an imagination stirred by new relationships which can only be faced and related to past experiences if they are given names; he creates them as a poet. And originally every poet is a "Magician."
      Gemini man is the bestower of names, thus the magician who can control nature-forces by uttering their "true names." Words of power, incantations, magical formulas are the earliest forms of poetry; and, in time, all culture flows from this first attempt at meeting with assurance and positive will the unfamiliar and the mysterious entities of the night. In Gemini, man feels already the incoming surge of the right-force. He knows he must face it. He prepares to build for himself a home to meet the stranger — who is also the Beloved. Personality in its fullness can come out only of such a meeting. And there are such dangerous possibilities to the self in that confrontation that it has to be circumscribed, walled in by more names and more tabus. Thus marriage, the home, monogamy and all the social-ethical regulations surrounding this meeting of the self and the other. However, the insecurity which Gemini feels is different in quality from that of the Aries period. It is not a vague fear of being drawn back into the past, but the very concrete realization that set structures and formulations must be built if what is being experienced is not to be utterly lost or is not to scatter the personality into a multiplicity of incoherent reactions to ever-new experiences.

By permission of Leyla Rudhyar Hill
Copyright © 1943 by David McKay Company
and Copyright © 1970 by Dane Rudhyar
All Rights Reserved.

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