
Zodiacal Affinity: Pisces.

House Affinity: Twelfth.

Polarity: Feminine.

Colors: Lavender, sea-green, mauve. Foggy or smoky tones.

Anatomy: The pineal gland.

Metal: Lithium and platinum.

Gem: Coral, aquamarine and ivory.

Astronomy: Neptune was discovered in 1846, its position mathematically calculated beforehand, based on principles derived from aberrations to the orbit of Uranus. Neptune’s orbit is 165 years.

People: Visionaries, mystics and psychopaths. Dreamers, channelers and mediums. Musicians, poets, pharmakons, cultural icons and others who tap the mass psyche.

Things: Anything mysterious or intangible. Glamour, drugs and dreams. Mass movements. Institutions of socialism. Psychic and intuitive faculties. Music and mysticism.

Symbology: The glyph for Neptune represents the trident of Neptune, the sea god. It represents the receptive trinity of human consciousness: sensual, emotional and mental.

Early psychedelic researcher Jean Houston, social satirist Oscar Wilde rock poet Patti Smith, the First LSD Experience, and performance artist Karen Finley, all have Neptune emphasized in their birth charts.

At her request, the birth chart of Karen Finley is not available for viewing. Karen uses astrology on a daily basis and admits she "knows the power of astrology." She went on to tell me, "Although I recently posed for Playboy Magazine, I feel that having my astrologcal chart published is even more revealing . . ."

The dissolution of outmoded forms, structures and mindsets. Envisioning more inclusive, universal values and principles.

Traditional Attributes
Oceanic feelings. Nebulousness, the imagination and psychic phenomenon. All things mysterious or based on irrational belief. Glamour, in both its popular (cosmetic appearances) and authentic meaning (deception). Propaganda and mass movements. Dreams, delusions and the unconsciousness. Hypnotism and slavery. Religiosity and fanaticism. Drugs and psychology. Motion pictures and the mass influence of the media.

Humanistic Interpretation
Symbolizing the principle of dissolution and universalization, Neptune dissolves the barriers and antiquated forms Uranus has scattered and broken up. Neptune symbolizes the new ideals and values that guide the creation of a new social order from the ashes of the old—everything from Marxism and Fascism to spiritualism, psychotherapy and astrology. Neptune also represents “oneness” and the mystic’s drive toward the unitive state. In a birth chart, it symbolizes your receptivity toward transcendent experiences, your feelings of compassion and oneness, and your susceptibility to psychic and psychological influences. It also shows where your unconscious is most active and how you can best realize detachment and non-possessiveness.

See A Call to Transformation, especially the sections on ”Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as Symbols of Tansformation,” and ”Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and the Path to the Galatic Center,” for more on the significance of Neptune.

Gender Shading and Retrograde Indications
Retrograde indications and gender shading for the planets Mars outward can provide an astrologer with a powerful set of keys to psychological dynamics, instruments which can be used with destructive and oppressive results. In a sense, it is fortunate that gender shadings and deeper retrograde interpretations of the astrological planets beyond the earth's orbit are almost entirely unknown to virtually every practicing astrologer today. Although a number of professional and amateur astrologers have attempted to coax me into revealing "the secrets" of gender shading and, especially, retrograde interpretation and how to use astrology to reveal deeper levels of psychological dynamics, none have succeed.
      Their attempts have been unsuccessful because almost everything I have witnessed in recent years indicates that the "astrological community" is simply unable and unready to use such knowledge in a wise and responsible manner. Such knowledge is my both "intellectual property" — accumulated over more than thirty-years of psychological and astrological study and experience — and the legacy of the continuum of the great pioneers of modern astrology who proceeded me. It is also my duty to use and dispense such knowledge wisely and responsibly.
      The recent resurgence of intense interest in the "legitimatization" and official acceptance of astrology merely reinforces my conviction that the "astrological community" is unfit to handle the real power of astrology. Recent attempts to aid such a program through the establishment of an academic foundation for astrology and the testing and certification of practicing astrologers will ultimately give rise to a power-hungry, controlling, self-perpetuating organization, perhaps not dissimilar to the American Medical Association. Additionally, a legitimatized and officially acceptable form of astrology will necessarily be put to use by exploitive forces in business and politics, and no group or association of astrologers, or college of astrology, will be powerful enough to regulate how the real forces of our society use and misuse the power of astrology. The implications of an officially accepted astrology and the Pandora's Box it will inevitably open has long been a concern of the proponents and exponents of humanistic astrology, a topic explored in-depth in Part Two of my Humanistic Astrology Revisited and in Rudhyar's From Humanistic to Transpersonal Astrology, as well as in his An Attempt at Formulating Minimal Requirements for the Practice of Astrology.

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