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SPECIAL NOTICE REGARDING THE ASTRONOMICAL DATA, HOROSCOPE GRAPHICS, ASTROLOGICAL FONTS AND SYMBOLS, ASTROLOGICAL DATA DISPLAYS, THE KHALDEA EPHEMERIS, THE KHALDEA ASPECTARIAN AND THE KHALDEA ASTROLOGICAL CALENDAR GENERATED BY KHALDEA2001+TM. Everything you see on khaldea.com generated by KHALDEA2001+TM (including the KhaldeaEphemerisTM, the KhaldeaAspectarianTM, the KhaldeaCalendarTM and the KHALDEA2001+TM charts shown in the Online Chart Gallery) are protected by US and International Copyright and all the conditions stated above apply equally to, but not limited to, astronomical data, horoscope graphics, graphic displays of astrological and astronomical data, ephemeriden, aspectarians and calendars found on this website generated by KHALDEA2001+TM. Publication, reproduction or distribution, by anymeans whatsoever — including, but not limited, to conventional, digital or electronic technology — and in any form whatsoever — including, but not limited to, reproduction of unaltered material as well as material altered, processed or manipulated by conventional, digital, or electronic means — of data and graphics generated by KHALDEA2001+TM is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of Michael R. Meyer, the sole creator, designer, developer, and programmer of KHALDEA2001+TM in all its versions and generations.
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